
 God put writing on my heart way back in 1982.  The purpose then was to be a means of encouragement to friends of mine.  The purpose now is really the same.  The difference between then and now, besides the obvious 29 years, is that now I don’t take myself quite as seriously as I did then.  Through the years my Faithful God has taught me so much and He has also revealed to me how funny my life is.  God often lightens my load as I laugh at myself and my situation and this crazy world around me.


  1. Thank you so much Bonnie for your visit back in my world, hehehe, I highly appreciate it and I am happy to have met you here via WordPress… and yes here is my about page: http://allaboutlemon.com/about/
    I like to meet people and I am happy to have found your world too… See you around dear 🙂

  2. Dear Bonnie,

    You have a beautiful light tone to your writing. Your points are delivered with a delicate touch…a finesse…not often experienced. I enjoy your style!

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