Posted by: Bonnie Anderson | March 5, 2012

Why I’m So Tired Today

When I was raising my children I looked forward to March 4th.  Always on the look-out for a pun (good or not-so), I lived for this day so I could hear the groans from my children when they would ask, “What day is it?”

“It’s the most active day of the year,” I’d answer.  “March 4th.  (pause)  Get it?  March forth…”

Yes, March 4th, the most active day of the year.  It’s exhausting coming up with this stuff.


  1. You have a very creative mind. God has bless you abundantly. Thank you for the humor.

    • You are so kind, Vanessa. Thanks so much for taking time to encourage me. God bless you.

  2. No wonder I’m so busy today! You’re kind of like a farmers almanac – which tells you the best days for planting, fishing and such! Glad today is my errand day! I even caught myself walking in cadence! 🙂

  3. That is funny…

    • Now all I need is a reason to be tired the other 364 days! Thanks!

  4. Brevity is truly the soul of wit – can’t wait to get home and use that one on my girls!

    • I hope they give you an appropriate groan and eye roll:)

  5. We only do it – if we can be first. No seconds, thirds, or fourths for us!

  6. Mom, Joe groaned when I read him this blog post. “I heard that EVERY year!” Thanks for sharing and I might just have to remember this for next year.:-)

    • Aubyron, I can barely type with the tears of joy filling my eyes. Thanks!

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