Posted by: Bonnie Anderson | July 20, 2011

I Feel Like I’m Being Watched – Part Three of The Joys of Television

I told you there was going to be one person happy that we bought a new TV.  That person is our daughter Dena.  When we went through the agony of the “Lightbulb Incident,” she had offered to take our set off our hands so that I would not have to be reminded of the anguish.  She is so thoughtful!  She knows I won’t spend $250 for a replacement bulb again and I think she has been hopeful that we would send the TV her way when the time comes for it to move on.

Bob wanted to be the one to call her and break the news.  He was dragging out the story (kind of like I’m doing here, only it didn’t take him three days) in an effort to torture, I mean have some fun with our daughter.  It warms my heart.  I was listening in and I think I could hear her salivating.  They don’t have cable, so she didn’t have to worry about our TV infecting any components of that nature, so this was definitely a win/win situation for her (at least until the bulb blows).  The only caveat was that if she was taking the TV she had to take the VCR, too.  Done deal.

At Dena’s house I admire the way the TV is not the focal point of the living room.  They keep it in an armoire so that it can be closed off and so that the kids won’t be asking all the time if they can watch a show.  This is presenting a problem for them with our old set as it is a 55 incher and won’t fit in the armoire.  Dena has come up with a solution, though it does present a focal point problem of its own.

Take a peek at the new addition to their bedroom.  She assures me this is temporary until she can rearrange her entire house and come up with the perfect set-up, but meanwhile how much fun is it to turn your bedroom into a movie theater, though it does give the feeling that you are being watched instead of being the one watching!


  1. So, Jett keeps coming in and saying “Watch big show?” I love it! We’ve enjoyed a few giant shows on it so far… maybe it isn’t temporary! 🙂 We’ll see!

    • Jett is so cute. I do know that pretty much every arrangement in your house is temporary. You are so creative you can’t keep anything the same for too long.

  2. cute! They may decide they like it in that location! LOL

    • Thanks for stopping by, Martha. You’re right. I love how my daughter makes life so much fun for her family. It might be snuggling in bed watching movie time.

  3. This is hilarious! It feels kind of “tidal-wavish” It may give me nightmares if I awoke in the night with this dark shadow over me. I hope you enjoy being watched…I mean, watching “big show!”

    • You know Dena, Debi, so I’m sure you can totally picture how much fun she is having with the new set-up.

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